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Beware the Benign

Published on August 12, 2014 in Share Your Story

Beware the Benign


My husband Dennis fought a valiant fight against an atypical Meningioma. Meningiomas are typically benign but this one was categorized as atypical so after a five year hiatus it recurred as a grade II malignant meningioma. His incredible team of doctors at MSKCC completed a hormone clinical trial, two more surgeries in a period of 12 months full rounds of radiation and inter-operative radiation, Avastin and a trial period of Novocure.

The tumor severely impaired my husband’s mobility, caused frequent partial seizures and ultimately claimed his life from brain swelling. I cherished our time and the help the doctors provided. To help people like Dennis I hope there will be more research on Meningiomas, research on treatment for seizures.

The mobility impairment created a situation where Dennis needed 24 hour care. we were able to receive care as long as he was eligible for acute rehab or sub acute rehab but ultimately he would not have been insured for care had his condition been prolonged. His life ended around the time he would have otherwise maxed out his insurance benefits. The issue of care is a major concern for patients and families dealing with brain tumor deficits. Patients need to be counseled and there needs to be public policy initiatives to extend insurance coverage to care for those afflicted with brain tumor symptoms.

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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