At the age of 7 in 1979, I had a grand mal seizure, and they discovered that I had a pituitary adenoma. I was rushed to the ER and then sent to Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I was rushed into the surgical suite and operated on for several hours. The tumor was intertwined with my pituitary gland so badly that they had to remove both.
With the help of many wonderful doctors and SEVERAL medications over the years, I have survived this ordeal. I am currently 51 years old, and I am still going every day to the best of my ability. I have had several other medical issues due to the lack of my pituitary gland or the side effects of many medications.
But I get up every day now and thank God for allowing me to be a part of this world. I take a little less than 20 medications every day. I don’t consider myself a survivor; I see myself as a thriver! I hope that this story reaches people who are dealing with this type of situation, and perhaps by sharing my story, I can encourage others not to give up.
You are worth fighting for, so even on your darkest days, look around you and appreciate the fact that God has given you another day to smell the roses. So I say to you all, don’t survive this situation, THRIVE in spite of it!