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Forget Me Not

Published on June 30, 2024 in Share Your Story

Guest Author: April K. in Maryland

Gabriel Scott Kennedy was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in February 2016. He was only 42 years old. Sadly, his was of the worst kind, glioblastoma multiforme 4 astrocytoma…the grim reaper.

He lived in Pittsburgh, PA, and was a blue-collar worker who liked and helped almost everyone he met. He was always optimistic about life and lived each day to the best of his abilities. If he had a bad day he got up the next day with renewed hope for a better day.

Gabriel died 7 months after his diagnosis; however, he remained hopeful throughout this most difficult time, trying desperately to hang onto his life. We, his mom and dad, were his caregivers, and although we only got 43 years with him, we received a full lifetime of wonderful memories to reflect upon. We would rather have him. He was a wonderful soul who always put others ahead of himself. He was Dad’s best friend.

If we can share with you anything, it would be to truly love your kids, take them places, enjoy their company, and care for them because it only takes a blink of an eye to change your world forever. Always stay hopeful as great strides are being made daily for all types of brain tumors. Our Gabriel asked us not to forget him…no, there will be none of that. We speak of him freely for the wonderful man he was. Consider giving monetarily to ensure scientists and researchers have the ways and means to eradicate this disease now! Brain cancer, if it does not kill, can greatly alter lives in the long term. 

Gabriel’s Mom and Dad

TAGGED WITH: glioblastoma

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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