At this moment
Do the thing you are doing. Be mindful. Be present in the moment. This is how I used to coach myself to try and slow down. To appreciate what I have. Without my GBM diagnosis this summer would have been like any other; working, eating, reading, playing, loving, and feeling that there was never time enough to enjoy any of those things. The schedule was always driving my time.
A medical crisis refocuses your life. My family has a new definition of OK. I’ve made progress on coming to terms with the fact that happily ever after might be 6 months. It might be 6 years or any time sooner or later. It could be a bus, tomorrow. We are on an uncharted road here. Is my life reduced to a string of treatments, tests and updates MRI to MRI every 3 months, 6 months, forever? Yes for long as I have.
My circle of friends and family hold me up. I keep calm, laugh and appreciate ALL that I have. Slow and steady we battle my brain cancer by lobbing love and prayers at it. We plan to kill it with kindness.