My son Joe Smeeding was diagnosed with malignant stage 4 brain cancer in March 2016. After his 2nd brain surgery July 2017 we saw signs for the OC NBTS walk at the Chao Cancer Center at UCI when we went for follow up visits. Joe’s prognosis was dismal and he was mostly wheelchair bound so when we saw the signs for the Walk we formed a team. His brother Patrick used social media and drove up our donations. In 3 weeks we raised $13,000. Joe was so happy to see that Team Smeeding came in 3rd and we were VIPs at the event. Walking with my older son pushing my younger son in a wheelchair at the Angels stadium is an event we will never forget. We posed in front of the jumbotron when our family picture from a trip earlier that year to the NCAA Final Four games was displayed. The walk gave us a positive action to take and celebrate Joe’s fight in a wonderful celebration..