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Brain Tumor Survivor

Published on October 20, 2016 in Share Your Story

Brain tumor/cancer is just as important as breast cancer and other cancers. In 2010, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, when I was 17 and finishing up my last year in high school. I didn’t know I had a brain tumor and I usually had silent seizures. They also occurred during basketball games.This took away some of my basketball scholarships for college.

The doctors didn’t know if the tumor was going to be cancerous or not until they removed it. A few months after being diagnosed with the tumor, I was able to graduate from high school and attended Tusculum College in August of 2010 and graduated in 2014 with my bachelor’s degree.

To this day, I still have annual MRI’s and I also suffer from migraines and vertigo. I’m in the process of going overseas to play professional basketball, and no matter what, I always have faith and keep hope alive.. No matter how tough the situation may be, PRAY AND KEEP FIGHTING!!!! I love you all! #Survivor #Blessed #KeepFighting #FindACure

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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