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GBM Four Years Later

Published on June 30, 2023 in Share Your Story

Guest Author: Griffin K. in New Jersey

In January 2019, I was diagnosed with GBM on my Thalamus that was inoperable. When my wife and I were given this news, we were told by an oncologist that stated that in the 40 years he has been practicing, the average life expectancy for his patients was 17 months. I lived with as much hope and optimism as I could, but I always had that countdown clock running in the back of my mind. Tick, tick, tick. Well, more than four years later, I am here to say we need more research done so that no one else has to be told that they are living with a death sentence! The great work of my doctors at Penn and the support of my wife and our kids have erased my expiration date! I hope that the doctor who gave me the news and every other oncologist out there knows about me and adjusts their statistics. With more funding for research, we can put an end to this horrible life expectancy statistic.


Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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