Howard’s Journey
My husband Howard was diagnosed with a meningioma on the top left in June, 2005. Following surgery in July, 2005, he had a long road to get back on his feet. Then in January, 2006, we were told that his tumor had grown back. Howard’s thinking was deteriorating, making him suspicious and distrusting of me, his loving wife who took care of him. Now Howard faced a 6 weeks of radiation treatment.
Though Howard did all right with the treatment, he still had a long road ahead of him. Then in February, 2007, he had yet another minor brain surgery. Followed in April by another one-day radiation “surgery.” Then again in December, 2007 one more one-day treatment. Sadly, Howard had a very aggressive type of meningioma that made his life so difficult for him, so much so that he was inable to speak more than a few words or to understand things, which left him unable to enjoy little things like reading. Howard was released from his suffering on December 1, 2010 when he went home to God. He was a good man, who had, up until his diagnosis, a long and healthy life. Although he had over 5 years after his diagnosis, his life was so unhappy. I miss him and hope that someday there will be good news for patients diagnosed with brain tumors.