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My husbands journey

Published on January 24, 2018 in Share Your Story

In August of 2015 my husband of 25 years had the flu. He had never been sick in 25 years. But he couldn’t walk to to bedroom door without almost falling. He was a fisherman for sport I begged someone to test for west niles or Lyme disease. It took us 1 month an finally found another doctor to give us a chance. He tested the above and then said “ok let’s just rule this out it could be vertigo and we take it from there”. He called me on the 2nd day after the scan and said “I don’t think I can tell u this”. I said I am on his HIPPA ( I work in medical too). He said “that’s not it”. “Kevin has a golf ball size tumor in his right frontal lobe”.

There started our journey. At first they thought all was ok. It was 96 % taken out in a 7 hour procedure. But still looked ok no cancer. It wasn’t until 2 weeks later we were told it’s cancer. So we held on and thought hell we have been married 26 years we got this. And so far we have. 1 year of Chemo and 6 months of radiation oncology.

I want to start awareness to the tumor that almost took my husband. According to our doctors there is not a lot of research for this tumor in a healthy 48 year old man. What and how can I do this? It’s not a fast moving tumor but seems from what I have read could be.

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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