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I promise I got this

Published on June 18, 2015 in Share Your Story

I promise I got this


Summer 2014 I was getting very bad headaches and neck pain. I went to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital where CT scan was done. I was told I had migraines one time then I had a stroke and finally was told I had sinus problems. No one knew what they were looking at, and finally I was referred to a Dr. Rosenblum in Shewsbury. He sent me for numerous test and scans to find that I had a Clivus Chordoma (rare form of bone cancer). I went a specialist in Newark who was clueless. We were referred to a Dr. Bruce at Columbia in NYC.

I was given all the options but in my mind I wanted it out, it was in a touchy spot I was told I might not make it or might have some type of disabilities after surgery. In my mind, I looked at my wife kids family and friends and said, “I got this.”

I had my surgery and left the hospital after 2 days when they said I would be there for 5/7 days. I had gamma knife radiation and I’m doing fine. The only problem I have is the very bad headaches still, and I am being treated for till this day.

Don’t give up


Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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