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At this moment

Published on February 4, 2015 in Share Your Story

At this moment


Do the thing you are doing. Be mindful. Be present in the moment. This is how I used to coach myself to try and slow down. To appreciate what I have. Without my GBM diagnosis this summer would have been like any other; working, eating, reading, playing, loving, and feeling that there was never time enough to enjoy any of those things. The schedule was always driving my time.

A medical crisis refocuses your life. My family has a new definition of OK. I’ve made progress on coming to terms with the fact that happily ever after might be 6 months. It might be 6 years or any time sooner or later. It could be a bus, tomorrow. We are on an uncharted road here. Is my life reduced to a string of treatments, tests and updates MRI to MRI every 3 months, 6 months, forever? Yes for long as I have.

My circle of friends and family hold me up. I keep calm, laugh and appreciate ALL that I have. Slow and steady we battle my brain cancer by lobbing love and prayers at it. We plan to kill it with kindness.

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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