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My Beloved

Published on July 21, 2020 in Share Your Story

On April 15,2016 my husband of 47 years had a grand mal seizure in my arms.

On December 3, 2018 he died in my arms on hospice care.

The thirty one months in between were the most traumatic years of our fifty years together. My handsome husband with his beautiful voice and his love of eloquent speech were taken from him. He had the best of care, the best support of family, friends and faith but in the end nothing could stop this terrible disease. He left behind a legacy of three children, eight grandchildren and a desire to always make a difference to someone or something everyday. He was always kind and courageous to the end, he fought to stay with us to the very end. My goal now is to try and carry on with his desire to always make a difference.

My family gives thanks for the doctors and nurses at the Medical University of South Carolina for giving us those thirty one months.

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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