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My Life Cut Short

Published on July 17, 2019 in Share Your Story

I was only 13 years old when a CT scan revealed I had a brain tumor. The pathology report said I had a glioblastoma, a stage 4 brain tumor considered the most aggressive and deadliest. How very unusual for a 13-year-old, well on the way to earning my Eagle Scout badge, to have such a terrible disease.

My journey began at home in Austin, TX and after diagnosis and surgery, I went to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center for a second opinion, a second surgery and treatment. Upon seeing a story on 60 Minutes about Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, my family and I made the decision to seek a third option and treatment there, in Durham, NC. My story ends on October 2, 2004, nearly two years from diagnosis.

Glioblastoma is a very difficult brain tumor to treat and is pretty much still incurable. I hope my story will inspire you to donate to any of the brain tumor organizations that are desperately working on a cure. July 17 has now been designated as Glioblastoma Awareness Day!

My life ended too soon! 

— Kyle McGlothlin

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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