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Published on November 22, 2023 in Share Your Story

Guest Author: Ken P. in MO

My name is Ken Peek. I am 53 years old and have been a high school teacher and coach for 26 years. In April, 2023, I started to have some numbness and tingling in my lower right leg. My doctor and trainers at school thought it was a pinched nerve.

Chiropractic help and some stretching did not improve things. I started to develop what I called “spasms” in my right leg. These progressed from very mild to more violent in nature. On May 4, 2023, I checked myself into the ER after having two one morning before school.

I was admitted to the hospital and that night I had a series of MRI’s. The last two involved the brain. I was a little confused because I thought I had been dealing with a pinched nerve. The next morning, I was given the news that I had a primary brain tumor, and the thoughts were that is was Glioblastoma.

After some consultations, we decided to go with the University of Kansas Medical Center (KU MED) for all surgeries and treatment. I had surgery on May 23rd. I cannot say enough about the treatment and care I have received from day 1 with KU Med. I am currently on day 21 of 42 for Chemotherapy and radiation.

I feel great at this time. My attitude is that of a fighter. My wife and I decided about 10 minutes after we were given the news that we were fighting this cancer and we have only allowed positivity, prayer, love, and laughter into our lives. We have been married just 5 years – and we have a lot of livin’ to do!

I look forward to what each day brings and any new challenges. I have been very fortunate with the location of my tumor and also the fact that we caught it pretty early. My surgeon is nothing short of brilliant! But as a coach, it’s like going into a game without a game plan! What will today bring? I say… “bring it on!”

I am scheduled to return to teaching this fall! The school has been great and the students along with my track and field team that I was the head coach of have been amazing with their support. As I continue this journey, I look forward to being able to share my story and model how to stand up and fight to live! To thrive! To continue doing what you love to do in the face of adversity. That’s all this is to me. Another challenge to overcome in life. Bring it on!

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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