Stand with Me, Stand Together
I am uniting with others to make a difference in the fight against brain tumors. I am passionate about this cause, so I’m taking action and need your help. Shortly after I turned 19 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the third ventricle of my brain. I was away at college over 1,000 miles away from my family. I didn’t know if the tumor was benign, nor how dangerous it was. Due to the lack of information in the medical community, I was misdiagnosed over 7 times. The strain was not only on my body, but my mind, my family and friends. I was critically ill and barely able to function by my second semester at college. My loved ones tried to help me but were just as helpless as I was.
Having no support from any of the medical facilities we visited left us without resources. When I was finally diagnosed with a brain tumor (on accident), the hospital dismissed me. A family friend who happens to be a doctor, suggested that we leave Florida and go to a hospital in New York (where I am from) with my new diagnosis. The next morning we began our journey back home to my family. Upon arriving home, we immediately went to Stonybrook University hospital in Long Island. Without a cat-scan or even an MRI, they were able to tell how severe my tumor was. They simply shined a flashlight in my eyes and were able to tell that I was suffering from hydrocephalus and would need an immediate craniotomy. As the doctor left the room, he told my mother and I that he was surprised I hadn’t fallen into a coma already. A simple flashlight was all it took, and I had underwent a lifetime of pain and agitation clueless. I can not help but think, if more awareness on Brain Tumors was available would I have been diagnosed sooner? The National Brain Tumor Society is making strides for a cure – but more needs to be done.
My goal is to raise awareness so that anyone who is unfortunate enough to suffer from a brain tumor at least has the benefit of getting diagnosed early and given a fighting chance! From there we can work as a community to support the cause and find a cure. We, as a society we are responsible, for the education and proper treatment of our family, friends and neighbors who face the battle of a brain tumor. It is possible to beat, I am a survivor. Please join in my effort!