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Published on January 7, 2020 in Share Your Story

Da’Nyla aka Nyla is the sweetest 10 year old from Louisville, KY you could ask for.

Nyla enjoys art projects and any kind of painting that you can think of. On the night of April 9, 2019 she lost her vision in her left eye completely and a little in her right eye. A few days prior to this Nyla complained of vision problems which made us take her to the eye doctor to get her eyes checked. She was taken to the eye specialist the next day then was referred to the emergency room for further testing. After a MRI and CT was taken we were told that Da’Nyla has a tumor on her brain and a small cyst on her liver.

The following morning, April 10, Da’Nyla was taken into surgery for a biopsy to send to pathology. After the 2-hour wait we were told she has a very rare brain tumor; mixed germ cell or germinoma. Since the tumor was sitting on her optic nerve, it caused her to go blind in her left eye.

On September 5, Nyla had her follow up MRI from her chemo and the brain tumor was even bigger from the beginning. This led no choice but to have brain surgery as soon as they could. Within the week Nyla was prepped for brain surgery that took almost 10-hours to complete. This surgery went into the early morning hours of 1am and left her parents worrying a lot.

After Nyla got out of surgery she was on the vent for almost 2 weeks and began to wake up. This was pretty much a waiting game to see what all she remembers or what she could even do.

Nyla is now in a rehab facility to teach her how to walk, talk, eat and the daily activities of life over again. This has been a very long road for us but we are still fighting every day and Nyla is one of the strongest little girls we know.

Da’Nyla has 3 older siblings – ages 11, 13 and 15. Even with everything she is going through, she tries to make others feel better and try to brighten their day.

Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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