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When Hummingbirds are Near

Published on July 6, 2023 in Share Your Story

Guest Author: Judy C. in California

This is Blanca’s story, my mom, my hero, my angel. Born in the fall, but she loved spring. She enjoyed the beautiful blooms, all colors, all trees. She kept a garden with beautiful trees where bees, bumblebees, and hummingbirds thrived on the delicious yellow flowers full of nectar.

My mom, Blanca, was 72 years young, healthy, energetic, full of life. In December her mood changed, she seemed “confused” she was irritated, she felt lonely. This was very unusual for her, she always had a way of cheering up the mood, she always had the perfect words, the best advice, her faith always lead the way. 

On January 24, I noticed she slurred her speech, we rushed her to the hospital where they suspected she suffered a stroke but a brain scan quickly revealed a massive tumor in her brain, the biopsy indicated that it was a grade 4 glioblastoma.

The doctor didn’t explain anything to me, he simply said, “I’m so sorry, Google grade 4 GBM.” I did. I felt something take over my body, a numbness, a sense of disbelief and immense fear. I called my siblings, we rushed to her house where we gathered. Within those days my mom could no longer speak, walk, or eat on her own. We brought her home and visited several neurooncologist and neurosurgeons, there was nothing they could do, she was placed on hospice. My mother was given three weeks to live. The heartache, the confusion, the deception flooded over my family. How could this be???

My mother died peacefully in her home surrounded by her children on March 1, 2022. Those were the shortest and most painful weeks of our lives. We didn’t leave her side.

We are still in disbelief. How is it that we had never heard of this beast that can ravish through a person’s brain so quickly? Why isn’t this diseases at the forefront of more funding and research? I have learned so much through the National Brain Tumor Society. In April 2023, we walked in honor of my beautiful mom, Blanca Martinez De La Hoya at the NBTS walk/race in Southern CA.Since my mother passed away, a beautiful hummingbird perches outside of her bedroom window, I tear up whenever I see hummingbirds, I think of her, I miss her!

I know my mothers story isn’t isolated, I have met many wonderful people who have lost a loved one to GBM. I will continue to share my mom’s story and support NBTS.


Opinions expressed within this story belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views or opinions of the National Brain Tumor Society.

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